Inspiring career trajectory of Sammie McFarland

Can you tell us a little bit about your early life and education? 
Growing up in Exmoor, southwest England, was a fortunate and rugged experience. I have cherished childhood memories of helping on the family farm during lambing and harvest. In my grandmother’s kitchen, I peeled apples, made jam, and baked, earning fuel for an old Mini so we were allowed to drive in the fields. 

Has living and maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle always been a priority for you? 
Since managing poor health in my teens, yes. It was an incredibly challenging period for both me and my mother. It was a time when the convenience of Google was nonexistent and we had more questions than answers. However, I read a compelling article on food intolerances and proactive health in my grandmother’s Reader’s Digest, it was a light bulb moment.

What gave you the incentive to start your own business in the wellness sector?
In 2009 I finally broke free from an abusive relationship, my paramount goal became providing my daughters with a positive role model—a beacon of strength, both physically and emotionally with financial independence. My own personal pilates journey had revealed the health benefits that movement and breath work could bring. Sharing the joy was a natural progression that aligned perfectly with our family’s dynamics and my own wellbeing. 

Can you briefly explain what happened to you and your family as a direct result of the Covid-19 pandemic?
After contracting Covid, I was left feeling utterly drained, as if I had been hit by a bus, reminiscent of post-flu fatigue. Grateful that hospitalisation hadn’t been necessary, I understood that my body’s weakness was a consequence of battling the virus from my bed. 

At which point did you decide to found a charity and why focused on children as opposed to the entire population?
Yes, I remember that moment vividly—early one morning, just three days after a nurse dismissed my daughter’s worsening condition. The nurse asserted she must be mimicking my symptoms and assured me my daughter would feel better once reunited with her friends. I felt an overwhelming mix of frustration, exasperation, and genuine hurt from the nurse’s dismissive remarks.

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