The Ripple Effect: Andrew Fluitsma

Although founded in 1964 in Melbourne, it is in the last four years that Honan Insurance Group has evolved its approach and presence in the market, according to Andrew Fluitsma. This new energy comes on the back of a major rebrand unveiled at the time of his appointment to CEO after nine years with the firm in a variety of roles.


The fresh identity gave the company new purpose and meaning, Fluitsma tells The CEO Magazine.


The average age in the business was around 29 years old, far below the industry average. Many of them had come from some of the larger listed firms in search of something different.“We went about seeking a lot of young, energetic people because what we wanted to do was challenge those big international firms,” he says.


“Everyone needs insurance, but it’s a hard thing to make sexy because it’s pretty boring at the core.”


We spent over a year rebranding the business and coming up with a brand that was representative of our age, our spirit, our energy and our desire to challenge.


However, there was a sense of confusion around the firm and its point of difference, something Fluitsma was keen to remedy.


“A lot of people within our organization didn’t really understand what we stood for other than going out and seeking insurance for our clients,” he admits.


Emulating the larger companies in the space was never part of the plan.“We don’t just want to be a small version of our larger competitors. We want to be totally different,” he stresses.


“So we spent over a year rebranding the business and coming up with a brand that was representative of our age, our spirit, our energy and our desire to challenge.”


All elements of the rebrand reflect this spirit, according to Fluitsma, who describes its central aesthetic as a “ripple”.


“It’s throwing a stone in the water and creating that ripple effect,” he explains.

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